Can You Ride A Onewheel Board In The Rain?
Can You Ride A OneWheel Board In The Rain? It’s official: OneWheel boards are taking the world by storm, and it’s no wonder. These unique, one-wheeled, self-balancing electric boards offer a totally new riding experience that’s unlike anything else out there.
Taking your OneWheel to the streets can be an exhilarating experience, but what if you get caught in the rain while riding your oneway. Even if it’s not a thunderstorm, chances are you live somewhere that gets a bit of rain from time to time. Many Onewheel riders often ask the question “can you ride a OneWheel board in the rain?”
The answer to this question really depends on the type of rain we’re talking about. Heavier rainfalls or wet conditions are not recommended for riding a OneWheel board, but light rain or damp sidewalks should be fine. Although, you would ideally be keeping your board out of any rain, where possible.
Riding Your OneWheel In The Rain
While OneWheel boards are designed to be resistant to water to an extent, it is important to remember that they are not waterproof. This means that if you do decide to ride your board in the rain, you need to understand the possible implications.
If water does get into the control board or battery, it can cause serious damage. For this reason, it is always best to err on the side of caution and avoid riding in conditions where you are likely to get wet.
Of course, if you do find yourself caught in the rain, try to keep your OneWheel board as dry as possible and if the board does get wet, you should turn it off to avoid any unwanted water damage.
The Dangers Of Riding Your OneWheel In The Rain
You may have seen videos, or discussions from other avid OneWheel riders, detailing how much fun they have had riding their board in wet conditions. While it may be tempting to try and ride in the rain, it’s important to weigh the risks before heading out.
Even a tiny bit of moisture can cause problems for OneWheel riders, leading to reduced performance and power output. Water damage is not covered by the Future Motion warranty, so this means if you do suffer any damage from rain you will have to pay for the repairs.
To try to prevent this from happening, you can purchase plugs that cover the charging ports and power button on your OneWheel. While this is certainly a good way to try to reduce your risk of water damage, it should by no means be seen as a substitute for keeping your board at home on wet days.
Even if you do take steps to try to prevent water from getting into the electronics of your board, you still need to prepare for the other challenges that come with rainy riding, after all, you are asking ‘can you ride a OneWheel board in the rain’ for a reason.
Riding in bad weather often leads to slippery conditions and reduced visibility, which makes taking your OneWheel out potentially more dangerous in general. The last thing you want to do is put yourself in danger by riding over slippery terrain, or causing an accident because you couldn’t see properly.
The OneWheel GT comes with the option of a treaded tire, which can provide more grip when riding in less ideal conditions.
If you decided to go with the standard stock vega tire, you might be tempted to swap it for a wheel with treads on them, but Future Motion does not recommend that you change the wheel on your board yourself. If you do, you run the risk of voiding your warranty or causing damage to your board.
What To Do If You Get Caught In The Rain
Even after riding in light rain, it’s important to take care of your OneWheel board and do your best to ensure no moisture gets in it.
Wipe down your board to remove any water, you can use a can of compressed air to dry more difficult areas, and don’t charge it for at least 24 hours. This is to ensure your board is completely dry before plugging it in.
So, Can You Ride A OneWheel Board In The Rain?
While it might be safe enough to ride your OneWheel in light rain, it is always best to avoid water when possible. So before you head out on your board during a downpour, remember that your board was not designed for wet conditions, and you could be risking your OneWheel board’s performance and your safety in the process.
Overall, while it may be tempting to ride a OneWheel in the rain, it probably isn’t worth it. So, what is your experience? Can you ride a OneWheel board in the rain? Have you ever considered the weather before going out for a ride? Let us know in the comments below!
Ride Hard, Ride Safe
Graham and The Board Sports Team