Is The Onewheel For Kids?

onewheel riding on path

With the popularity of the Onewheel and more and more of them being used by teens and adults for leisure activity, sport, and for commuting, it’s expected that kids of all ages are going to want to try the Onewheel. But is the Onewheel for kids?

The Onewheel is rated by the manufacturer for 13 and older, however, kids as young as seven years old are riding them by themselves and are able to maneuver them well after lots of practice. However, before you buy your kid a Onewheel board, parents should be aware of some of the technical problems due to the weight of kids.

There are many TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube videos of parents sharing their children’s achievements on a Onewheel.

With this anecdotal evidence, it is fair to assume that a Onewheel is suitable for kids. However, if you prefer to address the question from a technical perspective, follow along with the article.

Are Kids Capable of Riding a Onewheel?

Is the Onewheel for kids and if so how young is too young? The current generation of kids is innately good at technological utilization. They are able to ride bikes and skateboards which takes some skill, and balance that comes from practice. Once they get the hang of it even kids as young as four are riding well. Riding a Onewheel is no exception and with practice, they will be able to ride.

Some say that the Onewheel is relatively easier to learn for beginners than skateboarding. Historically, kids love skateboards and I remember learning to ride one and then riding it everywhere back in the seventies.

With the digital age, this childhood culture is evolving, and to some extent, Onewheel is essentially a rehash development of the latter. The difference is that a Onewheel is electric and it has sensors that aid the rider with balance as well as controlling speed and stopping. This is where kids that are too young or too lightweight may have some difficulty. We will discuss why below.

How Old Do You Need to Be to Ride a Onewheel?

As per the company that owns the manufacturing and distribution of Onewheel, Future Motion Inc., the standard recommendation for kids to start riding the board is 13 years old. This advisable minimum age concurs with the rigid regulatory framework drafted and implemented using The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA).

Often these types of age recommendations are to prevent the company from getting sued should someone’s kid get hurt or killed.

recording a onewheel trail ride

Nonetheless, some Onewheel parents allow their children to start board rides as early as the age of 5-7 years. This choice might seem reckless to some, but a study suggests that training in sports or hobbies impacts children’s cognitive development and as seen on video kids at this age are capable of riding a Onewheel with a parent’s supervision.

If you are a parent that wants to start your child riding at an early age it is important that you are comfortable assisting your children and you should ensure that they are wearing all the protective gear and they ride in a safe space.

The standard set by CPSIA only has jurisdiction over companies like Future Motion, Inc. Thus, the liability for your children’s safety once you opt to start training them below 13 is entirely within you.

Kids And Weight Issues While Riding the Onewheel?

Future Motion Inc. already ruled out the possibility (according to experts) that the weight issues of kids might have a direct influence on riding the Onewheel. Therefore, there is no set minimum weight for people to ride the product. However, the maximum allowable weight should be 250 lbs./113.398 kg but this only affects adults.

There are built-in sensors in the foot pads that help the board start and stop properly. In terms of activation via footpad sensors, a very lightweight rider might have difficulty starting the Onewheel at times. We have heard some reports of this with light kids. A reported fix for this issue can be addressed by adding small foam pads to the sensor to create the required pressure.

I have also heard of kids bouncing on the board when they get on to activate the sensors.

Both these fixes to the possible weight problem may or may not work for you and we are still looking for more reports on problems and fixes and will update this page as we get more information.

What Is the Ideal Onewheel Setting for Kids?

boy riding onewheel down the road

The Onewheel has numerous modes for riding style and rider experience.

Based on consumer experience, primarily by parents, they opt for the lowest settings for the board. Some call this training mode or beginner mode and this is the best mode for kids. The lowest mode aids in balance, allows new riders to find their comfort zone, and lowers speed to its lowest which is about 12mph for any model of Onewheel.

Starting at the slowest setting will allow kids to build confidence while understanding that they are still limited. If a kid starts at 7, they will have decades to become advanced in the field of Onewheel.

It is important to remember that electric skateboards are not toys. They can cause serious injury, like traumatic brain injury or death. It is important that proper safety gear is used at all times as well as safe riding practices.

What Is the Best Onewheel Model for Kids?

There are only three available models for Onewheel that one can access across the market. These three are the Onewheel GT, the Onewheel Pint X, and Onewheel Pint.

The former is the flagship board of Future Motion Inc., and the latter, the Onewheel Pint is the most suitable Onewheel model for kids and smaller riders.

Features Influencing the Appropriate Model for Kids


Different factors affect which model a kid must use while beginning to learn the product. However, based on customer experience, kids’ comfort in riding one is majorly affected by the rideability of the model.

Most reviews point out that Onewheel Pint has 99% rideability compared to Onewheel XR or Onewheel GT’s at 94%. The difference is mainly influenced by the fact that GT’s and XR’s have a larger platform, a bigger battery, and are heavier than the Pint.

Considering the factor of rideability, a parent often chooses the Pint because kids are novices when it comes to balancing themselves.

Performance and Features

Onewheel GT: 20 –32-mile range Top Speed 20 mph & Multiple Digital Shaping Options and Controls

Onewheel Pint: 6–8-mile range Top Speed 16 mph & Simple Stop and Controls

Because of the advanced features and performance, the GT is not a suitable model of children. The Pint is a safer model with limited speed and features.

Regulations are critical to kiddos because sometimes they can be reckless, whether intentional or not. So the practical relevance of these features is to try to give your perspective that if you want your kids to have little control without excessively observing them, Onewheel Pint seems to be the choice.

Product Cost

onewheel pint for kids

The standard price of the Onewheel GT is $2200, and the Onewheel Pint is $1050. So as you can observe, there is a massive gap in pricing for the two models. The gap is mainly influenced by the basic mechanical system and the materials used in assembling them.

Practically speaking, starting as a kid means you have more time to evolve and try each model that the company releases. So ask yourself if spending more than a thousand bucks on your child’s potential hobby is worth it.

Cost-effectiveness is also one thing to consider. Does the price so far reflect the feedback of reviews? If not, you can always choose the model that properly encapsulates the price.

Alternative To The Onewheel For Kids

There is another option to the Onewheel and that is a Onewheel knockoff. There are much cheaper boards and ones that might be more suitable for young kids. For more on these check out our article The 5 Best Onewheel Knockoffs.

Is The Onewheel For Kids?

That concludes our article on Onewheel for kids. If you have any questions, comments, or advice, let us and other readers know in the comments section below.

Graham and The Board Sports Team

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