Onewheel Fangs Reviews – Are They Necessary?

Nosedives are infamous in the Onewheel community. They often happen when you least expect them, and they’re never fun. You may fall victim to the dreaded Onewheel nosedive for several reasons, and sometimes, they aren’t entirely avoidable.

Most Onewheel riders have experienced a nosedive at some point, and they can be downright dangerous at times. Luckily for Onewheel, this issue doesn’t often deter people from riding their boards. Many riders swear by fangs as a way to help ride-out nosedives, and we’re here to tell you if they’re worth the investment in this Onewheel fangs review.

Most Onewheel accessories offer something which aids the rider in some way, be it comfort, style, or function. Onewheel fangs definitely fall into the latter category – they are an accessory designed to help when you need it most, keeping you safe while riding your board. But are they worth the hype?

What Are Onewheel Fangs?

onewheel with mountains in background

We can’t start this Onewheel fangs review without first explaining what they are and how they work. Fangs are an aftermarket accessory that is installed on the front of your Onewheel board. Their sleek design features two small wheels, which are designed to keep the board on an even keel and can help you safely glide out of a nosedive.

There are a few different types of fangs available on the market. There are the standard fangs, which look like float plates with added wheels, mini fangs, and then bumper fangs, which offer a similar function but with more protection for your Onewheel.

How Do Fangs Work?

Essentially, fangs work by catching on the ground when you start to nosedive. They allow the board to continue moving forwards and give the rider time to react, rather than throwing you forwards and causing an accident.

In theory, fangs on the front of the board can help you to avoid a nasty fall and keep you on your feet when you have sudden deceleration.

Do You Need Fangs For Your Onewheel?

The answer to this completely depends on who you are asking. Many experienced Onewheel riders state that fangs on the board’s nose are now a critical part of their setup and that they would never consider riding without these most-loved bumper wheels. On the other hand, just as many riders have never used fangs and don’t see the need for them.

It really comes down to personal preference and what you want from using Onewheel fangs. If you’re worried about nosedives or have experienced them in the past, then fangs could be a good investment for you. However, if you feel like fangs cause more issues than they solve, you’re best off avoiding them altogether.

Do Onewheel Fangs Stop Nosedives From Happening?

girl walking with her onewheel board

One of the main points we want to make in this Onewheel fangs review is that fangs do not stop nosedives from occurring. The reason for this is down to how nosedives can occur, such as a low battery or going too fast. Fangs can help you to recover from a nosedive once it’s started, but they cannot prevent them outright.

Fangs are an added safety measure to the nose of the board that can help to keep you on your feet, but they are not a cure-all for nosedives. If you’re experiencing nosedives regularly, you’re best off trying to figure out the root cause rather than relying on fangs to save you.

It is important to not rely on fangs as training wheels. The wheels do not touch the ground during a normal ride.

Are Fangs Worth It?

Yes, fangs can be worth it for the added safety element and ability to perform new tricks. But, if you are more interested in how they can protect you during a potential accident, you must consider what terrain you often ride on.

Onewheel fangs are best used on smooth, even surfaces like asphalt. The reason for this is that they need a good amount of contact with the ground to work properly. When the little fang wheels connect with the ground, they help keep the board moving and give you precious seconds to jump off or level your board.

If you’re someone who often rides on rougher terrain, such as dirt paths or gravel roads, fangs might not offer the level of protection you’re hoping for. On uneven surfaces, the fang wheels can get caught on obstacles, which completely eradicates the reason for using them. In some cases, this can actually lead to more accidents rather than preventing them.

If you want fangs because you have seen experienced riders perform some awesome Onewheel fang drags or curb nudges online, then go for it; just make sure you practice and wear safety equipment!

Are Fangs Easy To Install?

One of the great things about Onewheel fangs is that they are incredibly easy to install. Installation is a fast process that should only take a few minutes, and they often come with the entire assembly required. Typically when installing fangs, you utilize the existing drill holes on your board, so there is no need to drill any new holes.

If you go for the float plate style fangs or those attached to a complete front bumper replacement, the installation process is as simple as swapping out the existing accessory for your new fang-equipped one. Once you have installed the fangs, it’s essential to ensure they are correctly tightened and secure. Fangs aren’t something you want coming loose when you’re in the middle of a trail run!

Do Fangs Void The Warranty?

Future Motion has a pretty strict warranty policy when it comes to unauthorized alterations. But, there is no specific ruling in their policy that states fangs are outright excluded, so we need to look at the facts.

Future Motion sells separate accessories for their boards, such as bumpers, which you are encouraged to install yourself. In theory, fangs that are attached to a bumper shouldn’t be a problem, right? Well, according to their warranty, that’s not the case.

There are two statements in their warranty policy that you need to consider before installing any aftermarket accessories, including fangs. The first advises any damage which was caused by modification is not covered, and also, products that have been purchased from an unauthorized seller will not be covered, and void the warranty.

As fangs are not an official Onewheel product, which means you will have to purchase them from a third party, this technically voids the warranty on your board. But, as long as you are happy to ride without a warranty, there is no reason why you shouldn’t install fangs on your Onewheel. Just make sure you are fully aware of the risks before making any alterations.

What Are The Alternatives To Fangs?

If you don’t like the idea of attaching extra wheels to your board and have decided after reading this Onewheel fangs review that they aren’t for you, then there is an alternative. Float plates (without wheels) are designed to slip seamlessly over the original Onewheel stock bumper and can offer some protection in the event of a nosedive.

As float plates are made from slick, slippy plastic, when they make contact with the ground, they help to reduce friction with the nose of your board. In doing this, it can lessen the blow of an outright nosedive as the board can continue sliding even when it hits the ground. Of course, they won’t completely prevent all damage, but they might help to reduce it a little practice.

The effectiveness of float plates vs fangs is often debated in the Onewheel community, but it really comes down to what you want. If you like the idea of extra protection, then fangs could be a good choice for you. But, if you’re worried about the possible implications of fangs, or don’t like the look of them, then float plates are the way to go to avoid friction of the nose of your board.

Pros and Cons Of Onewheel Fangs

There are many opinions on fangs, so let’s break it down into some simple pros and cons to help you decide whether they are right for you.


  • Can offer extra protection against nosedives
  • Are easy to install
  • Few different style options and classic colors
  • Great for street riders and flat surfaces
  • Provide the ability for more tricks


  • May void the warranty on your board
  • Not suitable for off-road riding
  • May cause issues if riding downhill
  • Alters the look of the board (personal preference)

OneWheel Fangs Review: Final Thoughts

As with any Onewheel accessory, it is down to personal preference as to whether fangs are the right choice for you. They can offer some great benefits, such as extra protection against nosedives, and many riders state they prefer the peace of mind fangs offer as the ultimate solution. Looking for more information on Onewheel boards? Make sure you check out our complete guide.

Of course, some cons come with using fangs. If you often ride rocky terrain, uneven surfaces, or steep hills, fangs can cause issues as they don’t fare well on those surfaces. So, after reading this Onewheel fangs review, would you give fangs a try? Do you think they are worth it? Let us know in the comments below!

Ride Hard, Ride Safe,

Graham and The Board Sports Team

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